I had heard it so many times – when you turn 40, it all goes down hill. I didn’t believe it. I don’t think anyone does. However, as soon as I turned 40, I started seeing many changes with my body. All of a sudden, grey hair was appearing – rapidly. I noticed that I have fine lines around my eyes, age spots scattered across my face and arms, and my complexion has also become more dry rather than oily.
I was recently invited to become a CosmetiCare Mom at CosmetiCare. As a Mom ambassador, I will explore the world of non surgical medspa treatments and have the opportunity to share my experiences. Upon my first consultation with Dina, we discussed my first priority – the dark, sun spots that have started to appear on my face since I’ve hit the 40 mark along with some acne scaring. Since I have a tan/olive complexion, Laser Skin Rejuvenation isn’t a great option for me, as it would give me light spots/areas on my face. She felt that we should try a MedSpa Rejuvenize Peel for the best results.
Medspas offer nonsurgical treatments that slow down the signs of aging or treat issues present already, such as hyperpigmentation, acne, brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles and congested or oily pores, all of which I feel I had been having issues with for several years now.
Excited for my first treatment, I met with Lisa to discuss my options and recommendations Dina discussed. Lisa, a licensed esthetician, agreed with Dina’s assessment as well as let me know what to expect during each step of the treatment, day to day results and the healing process. With a MedSpa’s Rejuvenize Peel, it is important NOT to use any products with Retinol or anything harsh on your skin. I was using a Firm and Fade (recommended by Dena) to start the process of revitalizing my skin, but it contains Retinol so I was told to stop applying 3 days before my treatment.
During the procedure, Lisa discussed in depth what she was applying to my skin as well as all sensations I would be experiencing. The MedSpa’s Rejuvenize Peel is a three step process after a great cleansing. First she used the prepping solution to get my skin ready for the MedSpa’s Rejuvenize Peel. With a piece of gauze she gently massaged the step 1 contents onto my face. Next she started on step 2 of the Rejuvenize Peel. I noticed that my skin started to tingle as she was applying the solution. As she kept working around my face, I noticed my skin was starting to get warm. The fan she gave me kept my skin from being uncomfortable. Step 3 of the peel is the retinol treatment. During this stage, I noticed more of a tingling sensation. To alleviate the discomfort and slight itchiness, Lisa tapped the more sensitive areas of my face. When she completed the application and the treatment was done, my face began to calm down.
I spoke with Dina immediately after my peel to discuss how my treatment went:
Things to remember immediately after your peel:
- Peel solution should be left on the skin for about 4 hours. Be careful not to touch your face. If you have an area where it is uncomfortable, use a cloth, Kleenex or Q-tip to brush away the itches.
- When you clean your face, use a gentle cleanser
- Stay our of the sun. You don’t want to scar your skin
- Use Sunblock!!! A great recommended moisturizer with the highest possible SPF is the best.
Since I was a little nervous about how my skin would react to the MedSpa Rejuvenize Peel, especially since I was going to be out and about over the weekend immediately following my treatment, I thought I’d create a photo diary to share my appearance.
- Day 1: My skin was absolutely beautiful. I was told I could use a little bit of powder foundation, but I wanted to make sure I had the best results so I decided to I refrained from face makeup. Instead I focused on hydration and letting the natural “peel glow” to shine through. My skin felt fresh, clean and tight.
- Day 2 : I was at a blogger event AND worked in my husband’s softball tournament snack bar, but I didn’t feel overly self conscious about my appearance. During the day my skin began to peel. Most of the peeling was centered around my chin and the lower half of my face.
- Day 3: Easter Sunday! Yes, I was out with my family when my face was red, splotchy and VERY peely. At this stage I noticed that my skin was still feeling tight, but my lips were very dry, almost cracking. So I continued to apply lots moisturizer and lip balm throughout the day. I also used Almond Oil, which was tip from Lisa.
- Day 4: I noticed my chin was lightly peeling again. This seemed to be stage 2 of the peel. A lot of the redness was going away and just light peel was visible.
- Day 5 & 6: Most of the peeling was gone and I felt comfortable wearing a light foundation to work. I noticed that the dark scars on my chin as well as the darkest sun spot on the side of my face appeared lighter. My freckles also appeared lighter – something I LOVE. As a kid, I was always self conscious about my freckles. I did notice a little bit of bumps on my cheeks. Almost felt like a break out – could have been from the foundation, but hey went away after a cleansing and a good nights sleep.
- Day 7 & 8: My skin still looks great. The peeling has stopped and I noticed my pores look a little smaller as they’re not as noticeable. The dark scars on my chin as well as the larger sun spot on the side of my face still appear a tad bit lighter than they were. I’m very happy with the results so far.
Now results will very with each treatment and with each patient. Lisa also explained that I will have the best results with a series of 3 peels, so I’m looking forward to my next treatment.
Looking to tackle a few cosmetic issues you may have? The team at CosmetiCare is quite amazing and can give you great ideas on how to look your best, keep your skin young and rejuvenated as well as skin care options and more.
Newport Beach Office1101 Bayside Drive, Suite 100 |
Long Beach Office2664 Atlantic Avenue |
Make an appointment today: https://www.cosmeticare.com