With the start of a new year, I’ve decided to make some changes. The kids have been getting away with murder around the house, so I decided it was time to give them a few responsibilities and give myself a break! I’ve scoured the internet – pinterest to be specific and found a few great ideas, but ended up creating this Kids Daily Responsibility Chart that fit us perfectly.
I think I’m a little over the top with keeping the house clean. Usually as soon as the kids are done playing with something, I’m right behind them picking up and making the area tidy. Yeah, I’m a little OCD with it, so I’ve been pretty lax when it comes to them picking up after themselves because I didn’t want to get them involved with my issues. However, I’m tired and they are LAZY! Now Mama is putting her foot down (gently).
Rather than telling the kids 100+ times to get up, get dressed, etc. I figured it was time to give them a check list where they can see exactly what they’ve accomplished through the day. If they complete the morning responsibilities, then they can earn a little t.v. time OR a little tablet time.
What’s fun for them? They picked out their own frame, markers and are able to check off each accomplishment on their own. The best part for me – these are reusable! Place the printable behind glass and the kids can draw all over them with a dry erase marker. At the end of each day, I can erase the marks and they start over in the morning.
Responsibility Checklist 1
(click the image for a printable version)

Responsibility Checklist 2
(click the image for a printable version)
Now, the challenge is to keep this going! I’ve been guilty of implementing chores one week, and by week 2, it’s already forgotten. This time, I hope to build on this. First, they will earn the fun stuff – hopefully this will turn into more chores where they will actually start earning an allowance.
I’d LOVE your tips! How are you getting your kiddos to help out around the house so you’re not going crazy?
I need homeschool one 🙂 lol
LOL, not a bad idea Laura!
Oh I love this! Thanks for the free printable!
You are so welcome friend.
Love the printable! I’ve printed out a picture of what my child wants (toy, special trip, treat etc.) and then added 3 focus points of manners or chores to focus on each day. With a table below to fill in with stickers if she’s done all 3, we fill it in and then get the reward!
What a great idea printing out their rewards – this will help with focus!
Love these charts! Very simple and adorable. Thanks for the wonderful idea.
This is so on time, my son and I were just talking about getting a checklist for his afternoons. We’re struggling with focus over here lol THANK YOU!
So awesome! Hope it works for you.
What a great way to help kids take responsibility for themselves. Love it!
what an awesome idea the kids will so dig this! thanks for the printable
Love this, such a great idea!
Chore Charts is really work.
But for children under 4-5 years old, it is better to use chore chart with images, not text. Kids do not know how to read. And better and the image and text. I am a single mother with three children all of them of preschool age so I know how important keeping organized. The eldest child I raised with printable charts. But you need a lot of them. Now I use the Manini app for three children. These are the same printable chores cards but in the phone. They are not lost and are always at hand, even on a walk. In the app, you can mark the completion of tasks and children like it very much. They actually ask for tasks themselves to make a mark the task. I felt much better. And I’m not nervous and it’s easy for children to become independent.