
Why We Loved The Lone Ranger | #theloneranger @disneypictures

Disclosure:  We were invited to an advanced screening of The Lone Ranger and asked to share our thoughts and opinions about the movie.  In no way did this influence my view of the movie.  

Sometimes it’s just great to have a night out, you know,  just the boys.   We’re so busy with work, school and life, that we don’t have many chances to do something with just us.  When we were asked to attend the advanced screening of The Lone Ranger, we were like, “Heck Yeah”!


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delivery man movie

Delivery Man, What’s Your Purpose In Life? | #DeliveryManMovie

Disclosure:  I was contacted directly by Disney/Dreamworks who asked for my participation in sharing the news about the upcoming release of Delivery Man, the movie.  All opinions are my own.

  delivery man

Do you remember when you were in your late teens, early 20’s thinking about the future trying to figure out where your life was headed?  It’s kinda funny thinking back to “the plan” I set for myself when I was younger.  I recall being in high school, thinking I’d get married at 25, have a baby at 26-27, a great job and the white picket fence and all.  While dating, as we all do, I examined all those relationships, the long and short – what did I get out of it, was that person the one?  Did I just destroy my chance at the “Happily Ever After”?

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DVD Review: Happy Birthday Berenstain Bears!

Celebrating with Berenstain Bears!
For the summer, we plan on doing a lot of fun family things, indoors and outdoors.  Family movie night is one recurring event this year, so when we were asked to review the Golden Gift Set celebrating Berenstain Bears’ 50th Anniversary, we jumped on the opportunity!