Celebrate “Bad Mother’s Day” this Friday July 29th with BadMoms is a contributor review by Cynthia Duarte.
Being a Mom is a tough job – there I said it. Don’t get me wrong, it is also a joyful part of life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. BUT! It’s true, being a Mom is tough. We have a crazy amount of pressure on us and although most of it is self-induced, it is a very heavy load that we carry day to day.

Yes! We were treated to an awesome Flo Rida performance. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t know I was such a Flo Rida fan. There may have been only one song that I didn’t know all the words to and I proceeded to add it to a playlist the very next day. We were in for such an UH-Mazing night out. A night out that all Mom’s deserve, both good and bad.
As I sat amongst my fellow Mom Bloggers I could not help but notice how much fun we were all having, dancing to Flo Rida and laughing our way through the entire movie. It all felt so well-deserved and believe me, when you see it, you will laugh your butts off too.
The very next day while awaiting the press junkets, we were once again treated to a glamorous day of blow-outs, makeovers, spa treatments and delicious food. Honestly, it was probably the best couple of days I’ve had all year.

As we finally sat down to talk to the stars of the film, they were just as lovely as you would hope.
Mila Kunis is a young mother with a young daughter, and although she’s still new to the Mommy game she shared her Bad Mom moment with us. It was one that we could all relate to. Remember that one time you got in the car and drove away only to later notice that your baby is happily unfastened in their car seat. Yup, it’s happened to all of us and it sure goes to show that we’re not perfect.
Kathryn Hahn’s character really is one that must be watched with popcorn in hand and is hard to put into words. When I say hilarious and outrageous, I’m putting it mildly. Her crazy and carefree Mom character will be the envy of every Mom who itches to live on the wild side.
Kunis shared some words of wisdom, “…ladies, let’s just all relax for one second and be nice to one another.” And when you meet Christina Applegates character Gwendolyn, you will get a better understanding of what she means.
Gwendolyn is the Mom who is perfect on paper and in person, but you just better stay on her good side. She plays the head of the PTA and wants to keep it that way. She’s so scary, it’s hilarious and I think the scariest part is that we all know a Gwendolyn in real life. Annie Mumolo’s character is a whole lot of extra comedic relief, and believe me you will know someone just like her too.
Bad Moms is a great representation of what Mom life is like in this day and age. We put an insane amount of pressure on ourselves, then we crack and feel guilty. It’s a vicious cycle and I have the remedy. Get out, go to the movies and see Bad Moms. I guarantee it will make you feel better about yourself and the crazy lives we live as Moms.
Bad Moms celebrates “Bad Mother’s Day” on July 29 – the Mother’s Day you really want and deserve! Get tickets now: https://www.badmomstickets.com/
And check out the trailer below
Contributor: Cynthia Duarte
Cynthia is a mom of 2 and shares her favorite DIY projects, recipes, products and SoCal events at KindaSillyMommy, a SoCal based Latina Lifestyle Mom Blog.