Reduce Exposure to Germs & Bacteria with The IntelliDent Toothbrush Shield | @DrGerryCuratola @IntelliDent1 #Brushingup

Ever since I’ve become a Mom, I have a heightened sense of germs. Did you know that an exposed toothbrush can come in contact with all kinds if surface and airborne germs? I was recently given a sample of the IntelliDent Toothbrush Shield that reduces the exposure about 99%.

IntelliDent Toothbrush ShieldSponsored Post

I had never considered that simply laying your toothbrush on the counter or placing it in a cup alongside another would put you at risk of catching the common cold, or spreading any type of germs found on the counters surface. Leaving your toothbrush in a dark cabinet is a breeding ground for germs. I think the most disturbing fact that I found in the literature was that “flushing a toilet releases a fine mist of airborne droplets that settles on surfaces with a 6 foot radius of the toilet “-  now that is just gross!

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