AD Now that the holidays are behind us, it is time to send out our personalized thank you Cards. This has become a lost art that I’ve been trying to revive, letting our friends and family know how much their thoughtful gift or words of appreciation have meant to us.

When it comes to sending a thank you note, I usually get a pack of generic greeting cards on hand, however I think the option of creating your own thank you cards is genius! Create your very own personalized message, select pre-formatted designs and make them your own with over 180 colors to choose from. For that special touch, you can even add a family photo.
Once you have completed your design, order a printed sample of your actual card before you place your final order, that way you can make sure your card is exactly as you want it from paper quality to print quality.
The final touch is the envelope. With over 40 different colors of envelopes, Basic Invite makes sending cards easy with envelopes that are peel and seal so they can be closed quickly and securely.
Basic Invites also gives you the option to create your own personalized birthday invitations. I love being able to create a unique custom cards based on our birthday party theme. Now, looking to the future, my husband is turning 50 – I guess I need to get planning now and get his party invitations ordered! Plus order personalized thank you cards to match his birthday invitation!

Have a birthday coming up where you’ll need kids birthday invitations, and ready to place your order? Order now with the discount code: 15FF51 and receive 15% off your order. Place your order now so you’ll have cards on hand for whenever special birthdays pop up.