Our summer went by so fast! We seem to be part of the first round of kids that are already heading “Back To School”. My husband goes back to school today, and the kiddos go back on Wednesday. Today has been a day of preparing with other PTA Moms, shopping for school lunches, labeling supplies and equipment and more. I’m already exhausted. Then I remembered the 1st Day of School pictures that I love to take, and had to create something cute and simple to commemorate their first day. So I’ve decided to share my “Back To School” signs for the 2018 – 2019 school year.
If you’re looking for signs for the 2023-2024 school year, visit: Back To School 2023-2024.
If you click on each photo sign, it will take you directly to a link where you can print your sign.
First Day of Transitional Kindergarten
First Day of Kindergarten
First Day of 1st Grade
First Day of 2nd Grade
First Day of 3rd Grade
First Day of 4th Grade
First Day of 5th Grade
First Day of 6th Grade
First Day of 7th Grade
First Day of 8th Grade
If you’re looking to print these FREE back to school signs, all you need to do is click on the image you want to print and you will be directed to a printable version. If you know of someone who needs them, even your teachers, please share!
Enjoy! Wishing you an awesome school year!