Regal Summer Movies

$1 Summer Movies – Regal Summer Movie Express 2018

Looking for something fun to do at a discount? Regal Theaters will be hosting a Summer Movie Express. Through the summer, they will offer $1 movies on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at participating locations. Tickets available for purchase at the box office and all movies in most locations start at 10:00 am. Check with your theatre for …

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Summer Movies

OC Summer Movies In The Park | #SummerMovies #FreeMovies

It’s summer time and what a great way to get out with your family and enjoy a free night out: Summer Movies In the Park!  Grab a picnic dinner, head out early with blankets, chairs and favorite movie snacks and a night in the park with a great family movie.  Check with your city or …

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2014 Summer Movies In The Park | #SummerMovies #FreeMovies

Summer is here and its time to start planning fun and exciting activities for the family!!! A few cities around Southern California offer FREE summer movies in the park for residents through June, July and August.

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Grab a picnic dinner, head out early with blankets, chairs and favorite movie snacks and a night in the park with a great family movie.  Check with your city or local parks for up to date summer movies in the park information:

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Mom/Son Date Night at Monsters University Advance Screening | @MonstersU #ad


Last week, I had the opportunity to surprise my handsome boy, as we were invited to see an advanced screening of Monsters University (with two free tickets) the night before he graduated from Kindergarten.  

So excited about the anticipation of date night, we talked about it in detail the day before…what time we were going to leave (have to figure in traffic down to Newport Beach), what we were going to do about dinner, what Daddy and sister were going to do while we were gone, etc.  I think I was more excited than he was!  

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